Great Garden Alternatives
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Invasive Ornamentals
Common Baby's Breath - A Tumbleweed on the Range
Why is Baby's Breath Important?
Remarkable Project to Remove Baby's Breath
Alternatives to Common Baby's Breath
Dame's Rocket
Why is Dame's Rocket so bad?
Alternatives to Dame's Rocket
Flowering Rush
Why is Flowering Rush Important?
Alternatives to Flowering Rush
Garlic Mustard
Himalyan Balsam - A Lovely Weed By Any Name
What makes Himalayan Balsam so bad?
Alternatives to Himalayan Balsam
Knotweeds - Japanese, Giant, Himalayan and others - Weeds That Could Damage Your Property
Why are the Knotweeds Important?
Alternatives to the Knotweeds
Oxeye Daisy
Why is Oxeye Daisy Important?
Shasta Daisy and the Intriguing Legacy of Luther Burbank
Alternatives to Oxeye Daisy
Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum)
The Problem with Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum)
Alternatives to Lythrum
Yellow Clematis - A Vine Gone Wild
Good Alternatives to Yellow Clematis
Photo Gallery
Beautiful Alternatives
Ornamental Plants "Gone Wild"
Invasive Plants in Home Gardens
Pro Blog
New shoots growing up from spreading roots break through almost anything!
This plant has actually affected property values in other countries.
Japonese Knotweed Fact sheet
Giant Knotweed Fact Sheet
Prior to the 2012 London Olympics, $10 Million (CAN) was spent to eradicate Knotweeds from the Olympic site before construction to prevent them from ruining the new hard surfaces and buildings.
BBC Show Snippet on Damage to Residence